M'charek, A. Tentacular Faces: Race and the Return of the Phenotype in Forensic Identification.
American Anthropologist, online first.
M'charek, A. & Schramm, K. Encountering the Face - Unraveling Race. Introduction to Special Section: Face and Race, edited by Amade M'charek and Katharina Schramm.
American Anthropologist, online first.
Hoopman, R. & M’charek, A. Facing the unknown suspect: forensic DNA phenotyping and the oscillation between the individual and the collective.
BioSocieties, online first.
Chernysheva, L., M’charek, A., et al. Translating a title: On other terms.
The Sociological Review, online first.
M’charek, A. Harraga: Burning borders, navigating colonialism.
The Sociological Review, online first.
M’charek, A., Toom, V. & Jong, L. The Trouble with Race in Forensic Identification.
Science, Technology & Human Values, online first.
M’charek, A. & van Oorschot, I. What About Race? in A. Blok, I. Farías & C. Roberts (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Actor-Network Theory.
Routledge, London: pp. 235-245.
M’charek, A. & Black, J. Engaging Bodies as Matter of Care: Counting and Accounting for Death during Migration in P. Cuttitta and T. Last (eds.), Border Deaths. Causes, Dynamics and Consequences of Migration-Related Mortality.
Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam: pp. 85-103.
M’charek, A., & Casartelli, S. Identifying dead migrants: forensic care work and relational citizenship.
Citizenship Studies, 23(7): 738-757.
Plájás, I., M’charek, A., & van Baar, H. Knowing the "Roma": Visual technologies of sorting populations and the policing of mobility in Europe.
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 37(4) 589–605.
M’charek, A. "Dead-Bodies-at-the-Border": Distributed Evidence and Emerging Forensic Infrastructure for Identification in M. Maguire, U. Rao & N. Zurawski (eds.), Bodies as Evidence: Security, Knowledge, and Power.
Duke University Press, Durham: pp. 89-110.
Grabham, E., M’charek, A., et al. Exploring Relationships between Time, Law and Social Ordering: A Curated Conversation.
feminists@law, 8(2): online.
Jong, L. & M’charek, A. The high-profile case as ‘fire object’: following the Marianne Vaatstra murder case through the media.
Crime, Media, Culture, 14(3) 347–363.
Krebbekx, W., Spronk, R., & M'charek, A. Ethnicizing sexuality: An analysis of research practices in the Netherlands.
Ethnic and Racial Studies, 20(4), 636-655.
M’charek, A. From a politics of difference to a politics of sameness, and back!
EASST Review 36(2): 8-9.
M'charek, A. Data-Face and Ontologies of Race.
Cultural Anthropology online.
M’charek, A. On the Frontline: Vulnerable Borders – Thinking ‘The Arab Spring’ and the European Border Management Together.
Discover Society online issue 29.
M'charek, A. Performative Circulations: On Flows and Stops in Forensic DNA Practices.
Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science and Technology Studies, 7(2), 9-34.
Pols, J. & M’charek, A. Responsible Innovation: The Case of Alzheimer Diagnostics in M. Boenink, H. v. Lente & E. Moors (eds.), Emerging Technologies for Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease: Innovating with Care.
Palgrave Macmillan, London: pp. 205-224.
Ter Harmsel, J.F., T. Molendijk, C.G. van El, A. M’charek, M. Kempes, T. Rinne, & T. Pieters. Rapportages pro Justitia van het Nederlands Instituut voor Forensische Psychiatrie en Psychologie in retrospectief; toepassingen van genetische en neurowetenschappelijke inzichten, in 2000 en 2009.
Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie 58: 20-29.
Toom, V., Wienroth, M., M'charek, A., et al. Approaching ethical, legal and social issues of emerging forensic DNA phenotyping (FDP) technologies comprehensively: Reply to ‘Forensic DNA phenotyping: Predicting human appearance from crime scene material for investigative purposes’ by Manfred Kayser.
Forensic Science International: Genetics, 22, e1-e4.
De Rooij, M., M’charek, A., van Reekum, R. Tijdspraktijken: DNA en de on/onderbroken stad in M’charek, A., I. v. Oorschot, J. Harambam, R. Benschop (eds.) Monsters in de sociologie. De wondere wereld van ANT.
Boom: Amsterdam, pp. 105-123.
M'charek, A. Circulations: a new object for an anthropology of science. [Circulaties: een nieuw object voor een antropologie van de wetenschap].
Inaugural lecture English / Dutch.
M’charek, A. DNA-onderzoek en racialisering: Van individuele verdachte tot verdachte populatie in M. Davidović & A. Terlouw (eds.), Diversiteit en discriminatie: Onderzoek naar processen van in- en uitsluiting.
Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam: pp. 49-66.
M’charek, A. De hoopvolle politiek van Conchita Wurst in R. Römkens (ed.), Het F-boek: feminisme van nu in woord en beeld.
Spectrum: pp. 49-51.
M’charek, A., van Oorschot, I., Harambam, J., Benschop, R. Inleiding: Monsters in de sociologie. De wondere wereld van ANT in M’charek, A., I. v. Oorschot, J. Harambam, R. Benschop (eds.) Monsters in de sociologie. De wondere wereld van ANT.
Boom: Amsterdam, pp. 12-27.
M’charek, A., I. van Oorschot, J. Harambam & R. Benschop. Monsters in de sociologie. De wondere wereld van ANT (guest editors special double issue).
Sociologie 10(3/4).
M’charek, A., I. v. Oorschot, J. Harambam, R. Benschop (eds.) Monsters in de sociologie. De wondere wereld van ANT.
Boom: Amsterdam.
Plájás, I. Swamp Dialogues: Filming Ethnography.
Somatosphere: The Ethnographic Case online.
De Rooij, M., M’charek, A., van Reekum, R. Tijdspraktijken: DNA en de on/onderbroken stad.
Sociologie 10(3/4): 319-337.
M'charek, A., Krebbekx, W. & Spronk, R. Categorieën als verschilmakers: etnische praktijken in onderzoek naar jongeren en seksualiteit in L. Buils, I. Geesink & S. Holla (eds.), De seksparadox: Nederland na de seksuele revolutie.
Boom Lemma, Den Haag: pp. 107-128.
van Oorschot, I., M’charek, A., Harambam, J., Benschop, R. Inleiding: Monsters in de sociologie. De wondere wereld van ANT.
Sociologie 10(3/4): 226-241.
M'charek, A., Krebbekx, W. & Spronk, R. Kapsels en kennisproductie (reactie op Cense) in L. Buils, I. Geesink & S. Holla (eds.), De seksparadox: Nederland na de seksuele revolutie.
Boom Lemma, Den Haag: pp. 136-139.
M'charek, A. Race, time and folded objects: the HeLa error.
Theory, Culture and Society, 31(6), 29-56.
M’charek, A. K. Schramm & D. Skinner. Technologies of Belonging: Making Race in Europe (guest editors special issue).
Science, Technology and Human Values 39(4).
M'charek, A., Schramm, K., & Skinner, D. Technologies of belonging: the absent presence of race in Europe.
Science, Technology, & Human Values, 39(4), 459-467.
M'charek, A., Schramm, K., & Skinner, D. Topologies of race: doing territory, population and identity in Europe.
Science, Technology, & Human Values, 39(4), 468-487.
M'charek, A. YseX Is a Matter of Concern Rather Than a Matter of Fact.
Science 343 (6172): 731-732.
Krebbekx, W., Spronk, R., M’charek, A. Categorieën als verschilmakers: etnische praktijken in onderzoek naar jongeren en seksualiteit.
Sociologie 9(3/4): 344-366.
Krebbekx, W., Spronk, R., M’charek, A. Kapsels en kennisproductie (reactie op Cense).
Sociologie 9(3/4): 374-376.
M’charek, A. Beyond fact or fiction: On the materiality of race in practice.
Cultural Anthropology 28(3): 420-442.
M’charek, A., R. Hagendijk & W. de Vries. Equal Before the Law: On machineries of sameness in forensic DNA practice.
Science, Technology and Human Values 38(4): 542-565.